Saturday, September 10, 2022

So embarrassed...

Most recent photo... me with camping hair! 

I haven't written anything in years... why?  Because I managed to gain all the weight back that I
worked so hard to lose.  It's not only frustrating and depressing, but embarrassing as well.  I used to speak at WW meetings about my success and now I feel like a failure.

Memorial weekend of 2022, I stepped on the scale and saw I weighed 252.2 pounds.  I had officially gained all the weight back, plus an additional .2 for good measure.  That was enough.  That day, I logged back onto MyFitnessPal and started tracking my food intake.  

That was 106 days ago and I've lost 18 pounds.  Not much, but it's a start.  I'm averaging about a pound a week, but not feeling deprived (still have treats now and then) and I'm not stressing about every calorie, but just being more mindful of what I'm eating and how much.  

In July, I started to slowly increase my step goal, and have gone from an average of 4850 steps a day to an average of  9425 steps per day. 

Between the tracking and occasional walks, I'm feeling better about myself and looking forward to slowly losing the weight over the next couple of years, so I can head into my retirement at a healthy weight.  What a healthy weight for me is, will be determined at a later date.  For now, I'm taking it done day... one meal... at a time.  

And, I've moved from a blog to vlog... and have started a YouTube channel to chronicle my weight loss journey and would love it if you would join me.  Check out my first two videos here: Ugly Grandma Channel