Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weekly recap, new goals, and BDS: Day 5

I've now been back on track for two weeks.  I feel good, mentally and emotionally.  Wish I could say I feel good physically, but I'm still working on that.

I haven't lost a lot of weight in the two weeks, but enough to keep me motivated and focused on what I want to accomplish.

And my motivation has been good this week.  A recap of my goals and how I did this week:

1) Tracking: 7 out of 7 days
        This included tracking the Girl Scout cookies I ate (just one a day for two days), my dinner out with Hubby, and the German Chocolate Cake I had at a going away party for a co-worker.

2) Drink 64 oz of water: 6 out of 7 days
         And the one day I didn't make my goal?  I was off by 2 to 4 oz, so still good overall.

3) Get at least 7 3/4 hours of sleep a night: 4 out 7 days
        This is obviously something I still need to work on.  I did well early in the week, but then I started staying up a bit later at night.  Since I wake up between 5:15-5:45 on the weekends, regardless of when I go to bed, I will need to keep the same bedtime on Friday and Saturday to get the sleep I need.

4) Eat while sitting down: still need to work on this
       I caught myself numerous times during the week doing this.  I can't believe I ever thought this wasn't a problem for me.  Granted, I'm not eating whole meals standing up, but I do eat snacks while standing.  Including that cake I ate yesterday.  This still isn't habit for me.  More work is needed!

5) Do the ROMWOD stretches everyday:  6 out of 7 days
       I'm going to consider this one a success.  I didn't do it every day, but Hubby says missing one day isn't a big deal.  I missed yesterday but Hubby and I got up and did it first thing morning.

6) Walk as many steps as the previous week: Success!
      Okay, this one wasn't on my list from last week, but it was a goal for me.  I made sure that at the end of everyday I had at least my daily average (according to Fitbit) so I would get as many steps as last week.  Since I only need 400 more steps today to that, I'm pretty sure I will reach this goal.

Looking over my weekly goals, I would consider this week a success.  More importantly, focusing on these goals takes the focus away from the number on the scale. 

What's my plan for this week?  Well, I think I have the tracking and drinking my water under control, so although they will continue to be goals, I don't feel the need to write them down.  My goals for this week will be:

1 - Get 7 3/4 hours of sleep a night
2 - Do the ROMWOD at least 6 out of 7 days
3 - Walk as many steps as the previous week
4 - Run at least twice this week
5 - Eat while sitting down AND eat slowly and mindfully

Which brings me to the Beck Diet Solution (BDS) Day 5, which is to eat slowly and mindfully.  I think this goes hand-in-hand with the eating while sitting.  And I don't think I need to explain this one or why it's so important.  But it's definitely something I need work on.  I still eat while staring at the computer, the TV or my phone (or... even a combination of those!).  I have to concept of what I'm eating, I'm not savoring the food, and my brain doesn't register I'm eating... so I think I'm hungry when I'm not.  I am going to make that priority this week.  Of course, I'm not off to a good start consider I ate a banana while typing this...  Oh well, there's always breakfast to work on goal 5. 

I know I don't have a lot of readers to this blog (I often joke about my "tens of readers"), but that's not really what matters to me.  Using this forum, I can share my journey for those who might need a little motivation or inspiration... or just to know they are not alone.  But more importantly, for me, it's a place to be accountable.  To admit my failures, share my struggles, and occasionally my successes.  So I thank those who take the time to read this.  It means a lot to me.

Now, I'm off for a short morning run.  My first in several weeks.  I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy, I look forward to your blog posts - your journey helps my journey keep moving forward. Thanks for the motivation!
