Monday, October 5, 2015

Emotional Eating

Hi, my name is Stacy and I am an emotional eater.

I accept this fact about myself.  It's the main reason I gained weight, struggled for 6 years to lose 120 pounds, why I gained 40 pounds back, and why I'm once again fighting to get rid of the weight.

I not only eat when I'm emotional, but also when I'm tired, and when I'm not feeling well.  

This past week I have really struggled with the comfort eating while not feeling well.  Being on the Whole 30 is challenging enough because they discourage snacking and want you to focus on bigger meals instead.  Which works pretty good when I'm feeling all fine and dandy... but not so much when I'm tired or not feeling good.  Last week I was fighting a cold/sinus issues for a few days and the cravings hit me big time.

At the time I couldn't figure out why I was suddenly craving sweets, but Hubby pointed out I usually fall into my habit of comfort eating when I don't feel well, and now that wasn't an option if I wanted to remain dedicated to the Whole 30.  I suffered through (as did Hubby since he had to listen to my whining), but I made it through without giving into those cravings.  Score for me!  :-)

I am still amazed at how well I'm doing on the Whole 30.  I wasn't all that gung-ho to do it but when Hubby said he was going to give up beer for 30 days (he loves his micro-brews!), then I felt I could go 30 days without my usual treats.  Knowing he is giving up something he loves motivated me to give up my doughnuts, cookies, and fun-sized candy treats.  

I had my moments when I was close to giving in, but a lot of times I've been able to say no to temptation... and mean it.  No regrets or internal struggles.  I am a little worried about what I will do when the 30 days are up and I start reintroducing some of my favorite foods.  I just hope I can remember that I don't need them and they should just be occasional treats, not everyday snacks.

And as for my weight loss?  The Whole 30 is not a weight loss program, but with the change in my eating and the change in my activity, I have lost 9.3 since Labor Day.  I am back to where I was at the beginning of May and finally feel like I'm making progress and not just bouncing back and forth between the same 6 to 10 pounds.  

Are you wondering what my activity is if I'm not running or doing CrossFit?  Nothing.  That's right nothing.  Other than my walks during the day, I don't do any other activity.

There were times I felt guilty about not walking more, not attempting to run, or not doing any workout DVD's, then I realized guilt would only lead to emotional eating.  So I refuse to feel guilty about not working out.  I'm happy, losing weight, and feel great.  So until one of those three things change, I'm content just walking with friends.

This 11 year weight loss journey has been a long road traveled, but I have a learned a lot along the way.  And one thing I have learned is that what works today (in regards to how I eat or the activity I'm doing), my not work tomorrow.  I have to be willing to change, try new things, and explore my options.  

It may appear I'm giving up or I'm not doing anything because I'm not working out or because I'm not tracking my food, but that's not the case.  I'm just trying a different path for this moment on my journey.  And as long as this path is going in the direction I want to go, I'm sticking with it.  If the path starts to take me off my intended course, then I will try something else to get me going in the right direction.  

This is my journey and I will determine my own path... but I am more than willing to stop for directions or guidance along the way.