Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A great, wonderful, awesome day and BDS: Day 2

Have you ever had one of those days that everything just seems to go your way?  A day when all the little frustrations are gone, you get a few things done that have been bothering/frustrating you, and even though its cold and overcast, you can image the sun shining and blue skies?  

That was my day.  

Hubby and I have been trying to book a vacation at the Disneyland Resort using our Disney Vacation Club points (think timeshare), but every time I try to book the days we want, there haven't been any rooms available.  This morning I tried yet again and, yes, the days we wanted were available!  I was dancing around the house I was so happy.  It was just one of those little things that had been frustrating me lately.  After I was done dancing (and annoying Hubby with my dancing and singing... at 6 in the morning), I stepped on the scale.  Weighing myself has become a daily ritual for me.  Not in an obsessive way, but in a good way.  It's my way of keeping tabs on myself.  To make sure that I am staying on track.  That I'm still focused on losing weight and not giving up on myself.  

Since I have lost weight the last three days, I was pretty sure I would stay the same, or even have a slight gain.  Nope.  Down another pound!  Woo Hoo!

I spent the rest of the morning singing and doing my happy dance, and still managed to make it to work on time.  

Work didn't even seem as dreadful as it usually does.  I just dove into the stuff I needed to get done, working on things as they came in.  A very productive day.  I got out for my ten o'clock (had to go alone since my walking buddies bailed on me) and I went for a walk at noon with Sibyl... and ran into my former Weight Watcher leader and friend, Barb.  I hadn't seen her in a long time so it was nice to see her and we hope to go for a walk together soon.

So... today was a good day.  I know that not every day can be this good, so I treasured every moment.  

As I mentioned in my blog post of two days ago, I am working my way through the Beck Diet Solution to help eliminate some of my bad habits and to stick with tracking and eating clean.

Day 1 was to write out reasons why I want to the lose weight as reminder during the challenging times.

Day 2 is pick out two reasonable diet plans.  Why two?  To have a back up plan in case the first choice doesn't work out.  I actually love this idea.  How many diets have you started only to figure out a week or two in that the diet just isn't for you?  So what do you do?  What we all do... drop the program and go back to the way we were eating before.  The idea is to have a diet plan that will work for you and your lifestyle, but if for some reason it doesn't work, then have another plan you would be willing to do.

For me, my plan is just what I'm doing now.  Eating clean and tracking on MyFitnessPal.  In case that doesn't work, then my backup diet plan is to go back to Weight Watchers and follow the Simply Filling Technique (or whatever they are calling it this year).

The BDS book also goes into explain the different types of healthy diets, such as a set eating plan (which provides a detailed list of the meals and snacks) or a counting system (which allows you to eat what you want within a certain number of calories, carbs, etc).  

I'm definitely more of a counting system type person.  I like having choices and a bit of free range for treats on occasion (it's the "on occasion" part that I need to work on!).

The book explains the guidelines for a doable diet, which is common sense stuff (but things to keep in mind while picking a diet), like making sure it's a healthy diet and not a fad or rapid weight loss diet, make sure the diet includes foods you like, foods that are easy to prepare, etc.  

Since I've been down this road before, I have a very good idea what diets work for me and what doesn't.  Weight Watchers worked for me.  It helped me to have a better understanding of what I was eating and the support from the meetings were awesome.  I tried a ton of diets, weight loss programs, etc before committing to WW, but I was never able to do any of them for more than a couple of weeks. I had issues when I got to my goal weight because for maintaining weight loss, WW didn't work for me.  Counting calories worked... for awhile.  Then I started having weird fluctuations in my weight I couldn't explain.  Eating clean and counting calories took out the fluctuations and was able to maintain my weight.  

It wasn't until I decided to experiment with other variations of eating clean that I ran into issues.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I experimented, that I tried new things.  I have learned so much by eating Paleo, doing the Practical Paleo 30 day weight loss plan, the 21 Day Sugar Detox, and the Whole 30.  I lost weight doing all of those.  Th problem was learning how to continue eating on those programs.  For whatever reason, it just didn't work for me.  I think if I would have done those programs, and then gone right back to tracking my food intake (even if not counting calories, just to see what I was eating), then I probably would have been successful.   

What I learned in the last two years?  That I have to track my food intake.  I will never be one of the people that can eat healthy and stop eating when I'm satisfied.  I'm just not wired that way.  That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with me or that I've failed in anyway.  It means that through trial and error, I know what works for me and what doesn't.

Huh... I seem to have rambled on more than I planned...  That's what happens when I'm in a good mood, I get talkative!  (If you think this bad... poor Sibyl had to listen to me blather on for 40 minutes while we walked today.  Thank you, Sibyl! LOL)

Tomorrow, Day 3 of the BDS is one that I still have issues with... "Eat Sitting Down."  Which for me, means sitting at the table without any distractions (no TV, phone, tablet, etc).  I'm notorious for eating in front of a screen of some kind.  So guess what I will be working on from here on out?

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